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Miette leaving…

WARNING!!!!!!! This video contains footage that some people might find upsetting and/or distressing.

We need to share this video so people can see what DIPG is doing to our children. It robs them. It takes them from their families, their loved ones, their friends.

It destroys families. It is heartbreaking.

We understand if you feel that it is too much.
We don’t.

Why?? Because it needs to be seen!

People need to realise that this disease steals the lives of more children each year.

People need to be aware.

To get passionate about something, you need to see the results.

I said from the very beginning that I would tell it like it is.

It’s soul-destroying.

Remember, this is not suitable for those who believe they are sensitive to this. If this is the case, instead of the hate mail. Just don’t watch.

This is our journey. From beginning to end. This is the end.

START talking about brainstem, brain and CNS tumours, finding a cure to these cancer types will be the solution to a cure for cancer. They believe that if they research this area, they could unlock the key to over 98 percent of cancers.

Brain cancer kills MORE CHILDREN than any other cancer, MORE WOMEN under the age of 35 than any other cancer and MORE MEN under the age of 44 THAN ANY OTHER CANCER!!!

As Charlie Teo said in his Australia Day Address….
„Australia has a perfect opportunity to ensure our children and their children will see a bright future.

The wealth generated by the current mining boom should be seen as an opportunity to build the foundations of the next boom, the mind boom.

We have the scientists. We have some of the most inquisitive minds in the world. We clearly have the resources.

All we need is the insight and foresight to put our resources to good use. Of course this has long term benefits in sustaining and growing our economy.

As they say, you don’t need to be a brain surgeon to know these things.“

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